National seminar was held on 7th Sunday at Badruka college, about 250 delegates were attended from Telangana, Andhra pradesh states, almost from all districts all community people were participated. Former chief justice of Himachala pradesh high court Sri MN Rao , professors Syam Atre and Bheemrao bosle have spoken about "Ambedkar's views on one people,one culture and one national goal" with evidences quoted from books and articles written
by Dr Ambedkar himself .
Dr Ambedkar struggled hard throughout his life to achieve the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity and his struggle has succeeded to certain extent in that the constitution of India of which he is the Vishwa karma , enshrines the principles. It is for those who are claiming him to be their Mesaish to carry forward his ideals and translate them into reality and that is the highest tribute to the nation and the political parties can pay to this great son of India. He is an immortal son and eternal leader of this great country. He made history and attained immortality. ..
In this function, Sri TV Narayana who was awarded PADMASREE in this 2016, was felicitated .
Speakers of this seminar told about religion quoted by Dr ambedkar . Communism had no appeal to Ambedkar. He believed totally in non violence. Religion always had a great appeal to him. He insisted that religion is essential for mankind. .In his own words :
"I believe that religion is necessary for the mankind. When religion end,the society would perish too. After all no Government can safeguard and discipline mankind as nit or dharma can" (See:Ambedkar speaks Volumes. I I pp. 286-287).
About his conversion to Buddhism along with his followers, he said:
"Buddhism is a part and parcel of Bharateeya culture . I have taken care that my conversion will not harm the tradition, culture and history of this land ".
In case of one culture, Dr. Ambedkar has made his stand amply clear in his essay, 'Caste in India'. He pointed out, "The people of India for a homogenous whole. The various races in India occupying definite territories have more or less fused one another and do possess cultural unity. It is the unity of culture that is the basis of homogeneity . Taking that for granted, I venture to say, that there is no country in the world that can rival the Indian Peninsula with respect to the unity of culture. It has not only geographic unity, but it has over and above all a deeper and much more cultural unity that covers the land from end to end.
National seminar on Dr.Ambedkar's Thinking About One People One Culture and One National Goal